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The most used keyboard shortcuts in Windows

Most commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Windows:
  • Ctrl + Esc key: Opens the Start menu on keyboards that do not have the Windows key.
  • Windows key + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Windows key + M / Windows key + D: reduces all windows and displays the Desktop.
  • Windows key + R: launches the Run command.
  • Windows key + F: Open the Search command.
  • Windows key + F1: Opens the Windows help window in any application.
  • Windows key + L: blocks the active session.
  • Windows key + U: Opens the Utility Manager.
  • Windows key + Pause: opens the System Properties window.
  • Alt + Tab: change the active window.
  • Alt + F4: Close the window or the current program.
  • Alt + the underlined letter in a menu name: opens the corresponding menu.
  • Example: Alt + F opens the File menu.
  • Alt + Spacebar: shows the context menu of the active window.
  • Alt + Print Pant: Copy the active window.
  • Imp Pant: a copy of the entire screen.
  • Ctrl by sliding one item at the same time: copy the selected item.
  • Ctrl + Shift by sliding one item at the same time: create a shortcut to the selected item.
  • F1: help.
  • F2: rename a file.
  • F3: Search files.
  • F5: Update the active window.
  • F10: Activate the menu bar in the active program.
  • Backspace (the key above the Enter key): allows you to return to the previous level in Windows Explorer.
  • Shift + Delete: directly delete a file without going through the Trash.
  • Shift + F10: Replace the right click.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete: Run Task Manager.
  • To prevent automatic reading of a CD, when you insert it, press the Shift key.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for file and program management
  • Ctrl + A: select all.
  • Ctrl + B: Organize Internet Favorites.
  • Ctrl + C: copy.
  • Ctrl + F: Search for text in a file or in the web browser.
  • Ctrl + H: allows you to replace text.
  • Ctrl + N: create a new file.
  • Ctrl + O: Open a new document.
  • Ctrl + P: print.
  • Ctrl + S: save.
  • Ctrl + V: paste.
  • Ctrl + W: closes the active window (= Alt + F4).
  • Ctrl + X: cut.
  • Ctrl + Y: repeats the last action that has been overridden.
  • Ctrl + Z: cancel the last action.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for word processing programs
  • Ctrl + G or Ctrl + B in the English version: Bold the selected text.
  • Ctrl + U: underlines the selected text.
  • Ctrl + I: italics the selected text.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Word
  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Normalizes the selected text.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1 / Ctrl + Alt +1 in the English version: Title the paragraph where the cursor is located.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 2 / Ctrl + Alt + 2 in English version: Title the paragraph where the cursor is located.
  • Ctrl + Shift + 3 / Ctrl + Alt + 3 in English version: Title the paragraph where the cursor is located.
  • Select a word or group of words and press Shift + F3: change from uppercase to lowercase or vice versa.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Excel
  • F2: edit a cell. It allows you to directly use the keyboard to modify the content.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer
  • Back (key on Enter key): allows you to return to the previous page.
  • Ctrl + B: Organize Internet Favorites.
  • Ctrl + D: add the active page within the Favorites.
  • Ctrl + E: Open the Search function.
  • Ctrl + F: Search the active page.
  • Ctrl + H: Open the history of visited web pages.
  • Ctrl + N: opens a new page identical to the previous one.
  • Ctrl + Tab, Alt + D or F6: Select the address bar.
  • Ctrl + Enter: add www. and .com around the text entered.
  • Shift + click on a link: open the link in a new window.
  • F11: Switch from Full-Screen mode to Normal mode in the active window.

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