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05+ different ways to turn off your computer in Windows 10

How to turn off your computer in Windows 10:

Turning off the computer is something we always do in the same way. The easiest and most standard way in Windows 10 is to click on the start menu, shutdown button, and then turn it off. That this is the way we use does not mean that it is the only one, and we bring you another 05+ different ways to shut down a Windows 10 PC.

1. Turn off Windows 10 with the keyboard:
Turning off Windows 10 with the keyboard is almost more comfortable than doing it with the mouse, especially if we learn the buttons to be pressed from memory. For this, we have several options.

The first is to go to the desktop and press Alt + F4. There a window opens in which we just have to press Enter so that the computer starts to shut down. To go faster to the desktop we can press the Windows + D button on the keyboard.

The second is with the Windows + X command, equivalent to right-clicking on the start menu button. There we can go manually with the arrows to Turn Off or Close Session, and then choose Turn Off. We can also press Windows + X, followed by pressing the "G" key twice.

One last option is to press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and go to the option to turn off at the bottom right.

2. Turn off Windows 10 using a shortcut:
Creating a shortcut to shut down Windows 10 is even more comfortable because just by clicking on it we can turn off the computer. Even if we have a keyboard with programmable macros, we can assign a keyboard button for this purpose, although always away from the area we use to not press it unintentionally. We can also do it with Cortana as explained below.

To do this, we create a new Direct Access by right-clicking on any folder or on the desktop and clicking on New - Direct Access. In the first window we write shutdown.exe -s, and in the next, we put the name we want to the file. Now we can add it where we want, and when we run it will turn off the computer automatically.

We also have another series of commands that we can use to automate certain actions, such as restarting the PC, changing users, or to cancel the shutdown if we have given it unintentionally.

Shutdown.exe –r to restart the computer
Shutdown.exe –L to log out
Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState to hibernate the computer
Powrprof.dll rundll32.exe, SetSuspendState 0,1,0 to put the computer to sleep or sleep
Rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation to lock the device.
Shutdown.exe –a to abort the shutdown if we have accidentally given it.
Fluent Design arrives at the Windows Store of Windows 10, among other novelties
Fluent Design arrives at the Windows Store of Windows 10, among other novelties

3. Turn off Windows 10 with your voice through Cortana:
Voice assistants may seem unhelpful until you use them and realize that you can take advantage of it. It is currently difficult to make Cortana turn off the computer with his voice, but it can be done as explained in this tutorial. From Windows 10 Fall Creators Update this will be much easier because Cortana can log out, restart or shut down the computer directly with voice commands, for which it asks for confirmation.

If you want to activate it in an earlier version of Fall Creators Update, go to C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs. There, you create a shortcut with the following text:

shutdown.exe -s

We name the shortcut as "Turn off computer." Now, when we tell Cortana "Open shut down computer", this shortcut will open, and the computer will shut down.

4. Change the behavior of the computer shutdown button:
The physical button on the computer tower is the one we normally use to turn it on. If we press it when the computer is on, the default behavior is normally Suspend. If left pressed, a forced shutdown will be performed, which is recommended not to do.

If we go to Control Panel - Power Options - Choose the behavior of the start/stop buttons, we can change the behavior of the button to Turn off, Suspend, Do nothing, or Turn off the screen.

5. Turn off Windows 10 with a countdown:
In a similar way to the one we created to turn off Windows 10 with the shortcut, we can add a timer in seconds at the end of the command. To do this, we create a shortcut with the same procedure and add the following command, where XXX is the number of seconds. For example, "shutdown.exe -s -t 180" would be to schedule the shutdown for 3 minutes.

shutdown.exe -s -t XXX

If we want to cancel the shutdown, we can create another shortcut that is “shutdown.exe -a”. Jun

6. Turn off Windows 10 faster:
To make Windows 10 shut down faster we can do several things. Normally, it is best to close all programs so that Windows does not have to close them manually and even stand in one that cannot be forced to close. We can avoid the delay in this period of time by changing three registry values. These values ​​are in the following path, which we have to look for after opening regedit.exe.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop

Here we can create three entries to change the default behavior. To create them, we go to Edit - New - String Value, and choose one of the three options:

WaitToKillAppTimeout: Windows normally waits 20 seconds for all applications to close. We can edit the value (in ms) to reduce this time. If we put 3000, it is reduced to 3 seconds.
HungAppTimeout: This value specifies the time that Windows waits to consider a program to be hung. By default, it is five seconds, and we can reduce it to for example 2 seconds by setting the 2000 value.
AutoEndTasks: This option allows us to choose whether or not we want Windows to give us the option to force close. If we set 1 as a value, the programs will be forced to close by default, and if we set 0 we will have to give it manually.

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