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What is a computer network?

What is a computer network?
A computer network is two or more computers (nodes) connected to each other in order to exchange information and share resources.

Networks can be classified according to different criteria such as scope, type of connection, functional relationship, topology or function, among others. We are going to focus on the most common classification: by scope or physical size:

PAN (or personal area)
Objective Function
They connect mobile phones, tablets, printers, laptops or desktops via cable in order to facilitate data exchange

Network composed of devices located in the local environment and close to the user.

They are normally limited coverage networks a few meters (less than 10) and for personal use.
Data transmission
Data can be transmitted via cable, USB sticks or FireWire connectors.

The speed at which it operates
10 bps-100Mbps

Do you have a wireless version?
Yes, its wireless version makes use of the Wi-Fi network, Bluetooth or infrared rays. It has a maximum range of 10 meters

LAN (or local networks)
Objective Function
They connect computers to each other in order to allow access of several devices to the same printer, storage unit or server.

Two computers in a house, the computers of an educational center or an office are examples of LAN networks.

Generally physically limited to a building or environment between 10m and 4km
Data transmission
Electronically (through copper cables) or through fiber optic glass.

The speed at which it operates
100-1000 Mbps

Do you have wireless version?
Yes, they are called WLAN networks (Wireless Local Area Network, the nodes are connected with Wi-Fi technology) and can reach a distance of up to 20km.

MAN (metropolitan area network)
Objective Function
MAN networks are larger than LAN networks, often used in several buildings and in many cases are designed for towns or cities.

They are commonly used in schools and large companies with multiple buildings. As a general rule, they do not belong to a particular organization and in most cases it is a group of users or a provider who takes care of the service with its connection elements and other equipment.

Areas between 10km and 50km in diameter.
Data transmission
Fiber optic and cable.

Speed   at which it operates
10 Mbps- 10 Gbps (via fiber optic)

Do you have wireless version?
Yes, they are called WMAN (Wireless Metropolitan Area Network) and can reach up to 48km.

WAN (or wide area network)
Objective Function
A WAN network is an unlimited set of LAN and MAN networks connected to each other

They usually belong to organizations or companies and are usually managed or rented privately. They are extensive networks that interconnect countries and continents. Internet is the interconnection of all WAN networks

The nodes can be separated by distances that span entire countries or continents (on average they range between 100km and 1000km).
Data transmission
They can use satellite or radio communication systems

Speed   at which it operates
It is smaller than those of LAN networks but they are capable of transporting more data (1Mbps-1Gbs)

Do you have wireless version?
Yes, they are known as WWAN. The connections can cover distances greater than 40 km.

GAN (or local area networks)
Objective Function
These networks allow the transmission of data from one point to another, even if they are not connected to each other. GAN networks consist of several interconnected WAN networks. The best example of this type of networks is the global positioning system (GPS).

They connect the offices of a company located in different countries.

They cover unlimited geographic areas.
Data transmission
By international submarine cables or by satellite.

Speed   at which it operates
1.5 Mbps - 100 Gbps

Do you have wireless version?
Yes, they are mobile GAN.

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